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July 29, 2024

Describe the architecture of a Transformer model and its advantages over RNNs


The Transformer model, introduced in the paper "Attention Is All You Need" by Vaswani et al. in 2017, represents a significant advancement in the field of deep learning, particularly for handling sequential data. Unlike traditional Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), which process data sequentially, Transformers leverage a mechanism called self-attention to process all elements of the sequence simultaneously. This fundamental difference leads to several advantages over RNNs.

Architecture of the Transformer Model

The Transformer model consists of two main components: the Encoder and the Decoder. Both components are composed of multiple layers that use self-attention mechanisms and feedforward neural networks. Here's a breakdown of the architecture:

1. Encoder

The encoder is responsible for processing the input sequence and creating representations that capture contextual information. It consists of a stack of identical layers (usually 6 to 12 layers).

Each encoder layer has two main sub-layers:

  • Self-Attention Mechanism:

    • Function: Computes the relationship between each pair of tokens in the input sequence. It generates three vectors for each token: Query (Q), Key (K), and Value (V). The self-attention mechanism uses these vectors to determine how much focus each token should give to every other token.
    • Mechanism: The attention scores are computed using the dot product of Queries and Keys, scaled by the square root of the dimension of the keys. These scores are passed through a softmax function to get attention weights, which are then used to compute a weighted sum of the Values.
  • Feedforward Neural Network:

    • Function: Applies a position-wise feedforward network to each token's representation. This consists of two linear transformations with a ReLU activation in between.
    • Mechanism: It independently transforms each position's representation, adding non-linearity and increasing the model's capacity.

Each sub-layer in the encoder has a residual connection around it, followed by layer normalization.

2. Decoder

The decoder generates the output sequence based on the encoder's output and previous tokens. It also consists of a stack of identical layers (usually 6 to 12 layers), each containing three main sub-layers:

  • Masked Self-Attention Mechanism:

    • Function: Similar to the self-attention mechanism in the encoder but with masking to prevent the model from attending to future tokens. This ensures that the prediction for position tt only depends on positions before tt.
  • Encoder-Decoder Attention:

    • Function: This layer performs attention over the encoder's output, allowing the decoder to focus on different parts of the input sequence when generating each token in the output sequence.
    • Mechanism: It computes attention scores between the decoder's current token representations and the encoder's output.
  • Feedforward Neural Network:

    • Function: Similar to the encoder's feedforward network, it applies a position-wise transformation to each token's representation.

Like in the encoder, each sub-layer in the decoder has a residual connection and layer normalization.

3. Positional Encoding

Since Transformers do not have a built-in notion of the order of tokens, positional encodings are added to the input embeddings to provide information about the position of each token in the sequence. These encodings are vectors that are added to the embeddings and are generated using sinusoidal functions or learned embeddings.

Describe the architecture of a Transformer model and its advantages over RNNs

Advantages of Transformers over RNNs

  1. Parallelization:

    • Transformers: Allow for parallel processing of all tokens in a sequence, as each token is processed independently of the others. This results in faster training and inference times.
    • RNNs: Process tokens sequentially, making parallelization difficult and leading to longer training times.
  2. Long-Range Dependencies:

    • Transformers: Use self-attention mechanisms that can directly model relationships between distant tokens in a sequence, capturing long-range dependencies effectively.
    • RNNs: Struggle with long-range dependencies due to issues like vanishing gradients, making it difficult to learn relationships between distant tokens.
  3. Scalability:

    • Transformers: Scalable to very large models and datasets, benefiting from increased model size and training data.
    • RNNs: Training large RNNs can be computationally expensive and slow, and they can suffer from stability issues with very deep networks.
  4. Flexibility in Sequence Length:

    • Transformers: Can handle variable-length sequences without significant changes to the model architecture.
    • RNNs: Sequence length can impact training time and complexity, and handling very long sequences can be challenging.
  5. Efficient Use of Computational Resources:

    • Transformers: Use multi-head self-attention, which allows the model to focus on different parts of the sequence simultaneously, making efficient use of computational resources.
    • RNNs: Computation is inherently sequential, limiting the ability to utilize modern parallel computing hardware effectively.


The Transformer model's architecture, which relies on self-attention mechanisms and parallel processing, provides significant advantages over traditional RNNs. It handles long-range dependencies more effectively, scales well with large datasets, and allows for faster and more efficient training. These features have made Transformers the backbone of many state-of-the-art models in natural language processing, such as BERT, GPT, and T5.

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